Financial Overview 2020 2019 2018
Statement of Comprehensive Income (million baht)
Warehouse rental and service income 2,485.48 2,201.63 1,902.99
Other rental and service income 27.83 33.32 24.18
Undertaking income 38.20 28.29 51.01
Interest income 4.45 0.57 1.75
Total income 2,555.96 2,263.81 1,979.93
Total expenses (431.35) (373.34) (335.82)
Profit before financial costs and net gain (loss) from investment 2,124.61 1,890.47 1,644.11
Financial costs (293.89) (342.50) (334.42)
Net investment income (Profit before net gain (loss) from investment) 1,830.72 1,547.97 1,309.69
Total net gain (loss) from investment 447.58 366.62 163.32
Increase net assets from operations during the year (Net profit) 2,278.30 1,914.59 1,473.01
Statement of Financial Position (million baht)
Investment in properties at fair value 40,218.45 35,846.21 30,593.97
Investment in securities at fair value 13.82 1,174.49 1,130.71
Cash and cash equivalents 1,576.75 279.58 139.66
Other assets 785.98 853.95 786.98
Total assets 42,595.00 38,154.23 32,651.32
Borrowing from financial institutions 2,161.90 1,521.90 5,266.70
Debentures 8,000.00 8,000.00 4,200.00
Other liabilities 2,019.93 1,316.54 1,201.29
Total liabilities 12,181.83 10,838.44 10,667.99
Net assets 30,413.17 27,315.79 21,983.33
Financial Ratio
Unit outstanding at the end of period (units) 2,776,997,063 2,554,629,507 2,248,454,220
Net assets value per unit (baht/unit) 10.9518 10.6926 9.777
Increase in net assets from operations period per unit (net profit per unit) (baht/unit) 0.8204 0.7495 0.6551
Current ratio1/ (times) 0.46 3.59 4.80
Total liabilities to total assets (%) 28.60 28.41 32.67
Total liabilities to net assets value ratio (times) 0.40 0.40 0.49
Interest bearing debt to total assets ratio2/ (%) 26.12 24.96 28.99
Interest coverage ratio : ICR3/ (times) 7.65 5.86 5.21
Interest Bearing Debt matured in 1 year to total interest bearing Debt4/ (%) 31.91 1.89 0.03

* Notes :

1/ Current ratio = (Cash and cash equivalents + Investments in securities at fair value + Other current assets) / (Interest Bearing Debt matured in 1 year + Unearned rental and service income + Accounts payable + Accrued expenses + Other current liabilities)

2/ Interest bearing debt to total assets ratio = Interest bearing debt (include lease liabilities) * 100 / Total Assets

3/ Interest coverage ratio (ICR) = Earnings Before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortization / Interest expenses

4/ Interest Bearing Debt matured in 1 year to total interest bearing debt = (Short-term Interest bearing debt + Long-term Interest bearing debt matured in 1 year (include lease liabilities)) * 100 / total interest bearing debt (include lease liabilities)